Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is Katie Stidolph, aka The Savvy Stoic? 

Katie Stidolph is a Stoic philosophy enthusiast, speaker, and content writer. After a transformative encounter with Stoicism during a challenging time, she has committed to sharing the timeless wisdom of this philosophy through The Savvy Stoic platform.

2. What is Stoicism? 

Stoicism is an ancient philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in the 3rd Century BCE. Renowned for its influential role in antiquity, Stoicism has remained relevant today. Its practitioners span from enslaved people to emperors, and notable figures include Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. Stoicism is centred on four virtues: wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation, teaching us to focus on things within our control and let go of what isn't.

3. What is The Savvy Stoic about? 

The Savvy Stoic is where Katie shares her journey through life and her application of Stoicism. Her mission is to spread the philosophy to help others find order amidst chaos, cultivate a strong mindset, live fulfilling lives, and thrive rather than merely survive. The platform features diverse content.

4. How can Stoicism help me to live my best life? 

Stoicism can help us to live our best lives by teaching us to focus on our actions, emotions, and reactions – things within our control. By adopting a Stoic mindset, you can become more productive, content, and present in life, enabling you to do more meaningful work and enjoy quality time with your loved ones.

5. How can I become a modern-day Stoic? 

Becoming a modern-day Stoic is easier than ever, with countless resources available. You can start by subscribing to The Savvy Stoic's mailing list for free quality content. For a deeper understanding, several recommended books on Stoicism are listed below.

6. What are some recommended books on Stoicism? 

Here are a few book recommendations:

  • The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman

  • Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

  • The Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium by Seneca

  • Discourses and Selected Writings by Epictetus

  • The Inner Citadel by Pierre Hadot

  • The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday

  • Stillness Is The Key by Ryan Holiday

  • Ego Is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday

  • How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius by Donald Robertson

  • Lives of the Stoics: The Art of Living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman

  • Stoicism by John Sellars

  • Lessons in Stoicism by John Sellars

7. What does it mean to join The Savvy Stoic community? 

Joining The Savvy Stoic community means embarking on a journey towards living a more fulfilling life. By learning and applying Stoic principles, you can become a better person, live a happier and healthier life, and contribute positively to the world.

8. How can I contact Katie Stidolph? 

You can reach Katie via social media or the contact form on the website. She's always eager to connect with fellow Stoics and philosophy enthusiasts.

9. Are there any events or talks on Stoicism by Katie Stidolph? 

Yes, Katie speaks at various events related to Stoicism. Stay tuned to her social media and website for updates on upcoming events.

10. What are the key principles of Stoicism I should know about? 

Fundamental Stoic principles include Memento Mori (contemplating your mortality to appreciate each day), Amor Fati (loving acceptance of everything that happens), Premeditatio Malorum (anticipating possible setbacks), Sympatheia (recognising our interconnectedness), and Summum Bonum (virtue and living in accordance with nature as the highest good).